Former Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England Speaks at Veterans Day Program

Middle and upper school students and Norfolk Collegiate faculty, staff and families came together for the annual Middle and Upper School Veterans Day Program on Thursday, Nov. 10, 2022. The student-run program, hosted by the Future Military Leaders Club, welcomed former Deputy Secretary of Defense the Honorable Mr. Gordon England as the event’s keynote speaker. England, also grandfather to Allison W. ’23, also served as the Secretary of the Navy and the first Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. 

“Today, we recognize the contribution and service of those in our community who have served our nation in uniform…We recognize the very unique role that the Armed Services play here in the Hampton Roads community,” said Head of School Scott Kennedy during his opening remarks. “We are all connected to the men and women who serve here…Understanding the purpose of this commemoration binds us together, as a school, a community and as a nation. At Collegiate, we are deeply committed to the military community.”

He challenged students to look at those in their lives who are veterans and families of veterans and to acknowledge their sacrifices.

“Today, it’s an opportunity to thank all of those who have made the commitment to serve our country and whose family members supported that service,” said Kennedy. “As we move through the day, look at all of those around us through a different lens and honor their service and their sacrifice, whether it’s at home or abroad.”

Mr. England challenged students to look beyond the day and why we celebrate Veterans Day and what makes it so special.

“Veterans Day is another day that we say thank you,” said England. “It’s a day for us to admire and respect people who made our lives possible. None of us would be here if it hadn’t been for the sacrifices of millions of people, generations before us, and people serving today who have given us the opportunity to live the life of freedom and opportunity here in America.”

Not only is Veterans Day about honoring those who serve, but it’s also an opportunity to examine how we also serve others, England told students.

“Veterans Day is also an opportunity for us to take lessons that we learn from the people before us who did so much for us. It’s important that you go forward and know your core values of what is important. What do you do going forward that improves the lives of those around you?…You want to be sure to do something of value. Something that you can contribute to the country, to the citizens and to the world. It’s important that all of us take away lessons from Veterans Day. We can learn so much from the veterans who gave so much for us…What will you do today to benefit not only us today, but for generations to come.”

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