We are looking forward to having our families on campus for our Middle and Upper School Parents’ Night!
The program will begin in the Hackney Theater in the Meredith Center for the Arts and will end with visits to each of your student's classes.
This program is your opportunity to:
1 | Hear about some of the exciting things happening at Collegiate
2 | Meet your student's teachers
3 | Hear what your students will be learning in each class
4 | See what learning will look like in each class
Our morning music class teachers (Upper School Band, Upper School Chorus and Middle School/Upper School Strings) will present their portion of the evening at 6 p.m. in the Collegiate Café. Additionally, our Middle and Upper School Librarian Lisa Castellano will host a brief program on an overview of our library services in the Stanton Libray from 6-6:20 p.m. Both will finish in time for parents to make their way into the Hackney Theater by the start of the regular program at 6:30 p.m.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Chris Tillson in the middle school at
ctillson@norfolkcollegiate.org or Anne Claywell in the upper school at